Rainforest Singing - Communal singing from the musical tradition of the Baka
Rainforest Singing - Communal singing from the musical tradition of the Baka - zvg

Rainforest Singing – Joyful communal singing from the rich musical tradition of the Baka People Workshop with Su Hart Learn the joyful and fascinating singing of the African rainforest people. This multilayered polyphony has accompanied daily tasks and ritual for millennia. In this workshop we will learn chants, songs and rhythms from the Baka tradition. This will help us improve our cooperative listening and interlocking and building vocal confidence and collaboration. When: October 28th-29th 2023; Saturday & Sunday 10.30-16.30 Where: Rudolf Steiner Schule, Schützengasse 54, 2502 Bienne/Biel Costs: 280Fr regular fee; 250Fr early fee till September 18th; Reduction possible Info & registration: Risha Claudia Bergomi, 0795230406, info@risha.ch Su Hart is an experienced and engaging teacher with a joyful and supportive style. Inspired by 25 years of visiting Baka Rainforest People in Central Africa and learning from their unbroken musical culture has inspired this joyful singing workshop. Song builds community, heal illness and argument, soothes babies and the ‘Yelli’ yodel enchants the animals ensuring luck in the hunt. For more information www.suhart.com www.globalmusicexchange.org www.risha.ch

Rudolf Steiner Schule
Schützengasse 54
2502 Biel / Bienne